Technologies et innovation

Actualités Aquaculture Corporate Technologies et innovation

Actualité 1 – Standard – de PFI Nouvelles Vagues

PFI NOuvelles Vagues …..rojects’ are in the clinical disciplines of the chronic diseases Epilepsy, Haemophilia and Bipolar Disorder. The epilepsy Lighthouse project is a partnership between a number of or...

Actualités Laboratoire d’analyses Technologies et innovation

Actualité 3 de PFI Nouvelles Vagues

Download E-book Cyber security is something that is constantly on our mind here at Unit. This is because, according to Bloomberg, cyber security related issues costs companies around $400 Billion a year on aver...

Actualités Laboratoire d’analyses Technologies et innovation

Actualité Standard & photo

Beaumont Hospital is a large academic teaching hospital 5km north of Dublin City centre. They provide emergency and acute care services across 54 medical specialties to a local community of some 290,000 people,...

Actualités Aquaculture Technologies et innovation

Actualité 5 … encore une vidéo et du texte

Berman Bedding, Inc. has been in business since 1912. But when this mattress manufacturer started producing medical pads in the 1950s, it realized the need for efficient technology solutions to keep its factori...